Covid 19
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Negotiating the COVID-19 Crisis

One of TimeSolv’s core values is goodness, we are here to help others. As part of that commitment, we are accumulating a variety of different resources to help our customers and others stay operational during this crisis.

Please contact us with any questions, concerns or ideas to help. 1.800.715.1284

TimeSolv Blog

Our Commitment During COVID-19

COVID-19 Virus and Law Firm Operations: Is Remote Work a Viable Option?


COVID-19 Impacts for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers: Beyond Remote Work

Attorney at Work posted an article with “sage and sensible advice for small law practices by Roy S. Ginsburg

How to Stay Afloat as a Small Law Firm: Panic Is Not an Option

Attorney at Work’s Conrad Saam offers wisdom and solid information on how a small firm can survive during the pandemic

ABA COVID-19 Collections

The American Bar Association is offering a variety of CLE webinars and on-demand products to address specific legal questions and issues.

ABA Disaster Resources

A variety of resources to assist and guide law firms during disaster situations.

ABA COVID-19 Mental Health Resources

The ABA commission on Lawyers Assistance Programs has collected a number of resources to assist firms.

Cybersecurity Risks

Understanding the security risks for lawyers and remote work.

Legal Publications Resources

Above the Law has aggregated different legal publishers who have produced a variety of tools to assist firms during the pandemic.

LawSites Coronavirus Resources

Bob Ambrogi has been accumulating a running list of products and services for small law firms who are offering free or discounted access to their tools.

Solo & Small Firm Lawyer Guide to Surviving in a Time of Covid

Carolyn Elefant from produced a great presentation for solo and small firms. This page is a link to the recording and her slidedeck.

Law Firm Finance

Lawyersist has produced a finance guide for small law firms that is even more helpful now during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Working From Home: Ways to Protect Your Health and Sanity During the COVID-19 Crisis

Attorney at Work looks at the health component of your home office environment.

Lawyerist Podcast: Adapting to Remote Law, with Stephanie Everett

The folks at Lawyerist, who specialize in helping small and solo firms, produced a podcast on how to adapt to remote law.

Getting Started with Zoom – and Using It Securely: Some Advice

This Attorney at Work article walks through getting set up with the ubiquitous video conferencing tool Zoom.