Legal Marketing: 5 reasons your law firm brand needs podcasting
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Legal Marketing: 5 reasons your law firm brand needs podcasting

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Your brand is often the first information potential clients receive about your firm. They may get it from the content of your website, the visuals of your social media, or from the attention-grabbing podcast that you’re about to create.

In the crowded space of legal practices, branding takes on a whole new meaning. It gives your firm a distinct persona and helps you stand apart from your competition. With a strong brand, everything you do becomes a marketing opportunity. Even when you are not particularly aiming to market your practice, your brand essentially does it for you.

Though most entrepreneurs think of branding solely in terms of visuals like logos and promotional products, it should entail so much more. Figure out why your firm should stand out. Is it decades of valuable experience… a track record of successful cases… or the introduction of new and innovative legal strategies? Whatever the case, a podcast helps you communicate this message to the masses.

Anyone can access a podcast and many people choose to do so. According to Podcast Insights, more than half of the US population has listened to a podcast, with about 30% listening on a monthly basis. While 49% of podcast listening is done from the comfort of home, about 20% of listeners take advantage of the mobility by listening in the car.

But just in case you aren’t yet convinced, here are five reasons why your law firm brand needs podcasting:

  1. Credibility

Potential law firm clients want to know that your firm has the knowledge and skill to address their issues and help them solve their problems. Short of actual representation, the best way to accomplish this goal is through the presentation of general information regarding specific practice areas. A podcast allows you to verbally discuss issues that your audience finds interesting. It gives you the opportunity to earn their trust and build a rapport that could potentially turn into real client dollars.

When determining your podcast topics, choose subjects that you feel confident in speaking about. Think about your current clientele. What are their most common concerns? Use your podcast to discuss those issues with your audience.

  1. It’s Relatively Simple

Most people think of podcasting as some super convoluted production undertaking, but that’s only because they have never actually produced a podcast. It isn’t nearly as difficult as you may think, and you can actually start it with just a few resources:

  • A good microphone (available all over the internet)
  • Computer software that converts audio files to MP3
  • Headphones (preferably not a headphones/microphone combo)
  • Editing software (only necessary if you plan to edit your recordings before posting them)
  • A podcast hosting account

If this list seems too extensive for you, there are plenty podcasters out there who use nothing more than their iPhone to record, edit, and post. If this option is more your speed, check out some of the numerous apps that can help you on your podcast journey.

  1. Personality

One of the greatest benefits of podcasting is the ability to present your unique voice. While some law firms have done a good job establishing their brands with blog posts, most people find it difficult to truly demonstrate a clear voice solely using written words. With a podcast, you have an opportunity to speak your thoughts and ideas to your audience. It’s an opportunity to loosen the ties of professionalism that bind attorneys, and just be yourself for a while.

If done well, your podcast can capture your personality, as well as the voice of your firm. It has the potential to create a connection between your firm and current clients, as well as potential clients. When people hear an actual voice, they feel closer to the presenter than they do when simply reading written materials.

  1. Network and Share

Another real benefit of podcasting is the opportunity it provides to network with other attorneys and professionals relevant to your practice area. You don’t have to be the main source of information on your podcast. After all, that can turn into a lot of work. Instead, you can use your broadcast to gain insights and share valuable information – without paying for it.

There are countless professionals out there who love sharing their messages as podcast guests. For example, say you are a domestic relations attorney, you can bring child therapists on your podcasts to speak about helping children work through a divorce. If your practice focuses on environmental law, you can interview environmental experts. Look for relevant professionals who can strengthen your podcast and further broaden your audience.

  1. Value for your clients

The information you provide with your podcast adds value to your clients. I know you probably do this now with your blog, web content, and maybe even newsletters – but a podcast provides a whole other angle. Your audience does not have to take the time to sit and read any written material. It’s also not delivered to them among a flurry of other direct mail items.

Your audience chooses to access your podcasts. They listen to them deliberately and often while handling other tasks – like in the middle of a long commute, while eating dinner, or waiting for soccer practice to end. Keep your podcasts concise and try to aim for 30 minutes or less. That way they stay convenient for the listener.

Start a podcast to strengthen your brand

Regular podcasting offers an effective method for keeping current clients engaged and up-to-date, while also attracting potential clients. If you still aren’t sure where to start, the internet is filled with tutorials and instructions. So, get to researching and get to brand-building with a podcast.

About Erika Winston:

Erika Winston is a freelance writer with a passion for law. Through her business, Personal Touch Edits, she helps legal professionals deliver effective written messages. Erika is a regular contributor to TimeSolv and a variety of other publications. 

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