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Perfect Time Tracking & Billing for Private Investigators

Boosting Billable Time Finding the Perfect Time Tracking and Billing Solution for Private Investigator Firms
12 min read

Private investigation firms must navigate a complex landscape where their tasks involve discreet surveillance, meticulous data collection, research, and interviews, all of which demand a specialized approach to time-tracking and billing.

If you want to maximize efficiency and ensure sustained growth, your firm will need a time-tracking and billing solution that’s tailored to your field’s unique needs and aligns with your operational requirements.

To help your PI firm find a time-tracking and billing solution that meets its operational needs, we’ve created this guide with key features to look for in software solutions that will help with the nuances of your work.

What features should private investigators look for in a time and billing solution?

What makes a great time-tracking and billing software for private investigators? Firms may have unique needs, but the following characteristics will benefit all private investigators.

Case-centric time tracking

If your firm regularly manages multiple cases simultaneously, then you’re going to need a tool that will help you track time and stay organized, ensuring that nothing gets lost in the shuffle.

A case-centric time-tracking feature allows investigators to allocate their time precisely. This information helps private investigators on multiple levels.

First, it simplifies billing, as all the information you need to submit accurate invoices is available with just a few clicks.

Second, case-centric time tracking also allows you to identify which cases are (and aren’t) profitable. You can make informed decisions about what cases to pursue, how to allocate resources, and where you can improve processes.

Expense tracking

If your investigative work often involves complex surveillance cases that require extensive travel and the use of specialized equipment, it’s paramount to accurately record your expenses so that you don’t overbill or underbill your clients.

An integrated expense tracking feature can simplify the process of recording and categorizing all of your expenses. It’s especially important to have mobile access to expense tracking, whether from a convenient app or cloud-based access.

Efficient billing and payments

The hardest part of your job shouldn’t be getting paid. The right time and billing software can reduce cash flow struggles by making it easy to:

  • Create accurate and timely invoices
  • Send them to clients through the most effective channels (client portals, email, etc.)
  • Accept client-friendly payments

Real-time reporting

Reporting is an important aspect of running a successful private investigation practice. Private investigators need both big-picture and granular insights into their work to ensure client satisfaction, meet compliance requirements, and ensure profitability.

Look for time and billing software that allows for customized reports and provides access to at-a-glance dashboards that make insights easy to gather and use.


What your firm needs today may differ from what it needs in two years. But do you want to change software every two years, or do you want a provider who can be with you the whole way?

When you identify a truly scalable time and billing software, you reduce the stress and frustrations that can come with finding a new vendor. You can also save on costs by only paying for the level of services you need rather than overinvesting in bundled tools.

Integration capabilities

If your firm has been up and running for a while and you already have a few clients, you’re likely already using case management software. If so, you’ll need a billing and invoicing software solution that integrates with the tools you already use.

Seamless integration with time-tracking and billing tools ensures that your data flows seamlessly between these systems. Having integrated software solutions can also eliminate the need for tedious, error-prone manual data entry and save your firm time in the process.

How to Create a Paperless Document Management Workflow for Your Law Firm

To provide your clients with the best value possible, consider setting up paperless
document management workflows.

Don’t know where to start? Consider this your step-by-step map to creating a more efficient, eco-friendly law firm.

Download our free guide to create a paperless document management workflow for your law firm today!

Is your time tracking and billing software easy to use? This checklist will help you decide.

When it comes to dealing with the high-pressure demands of working in the private investigation field, you need a tech stack that helps you work smarter, not harder.

Instead of settling for tools that add unnecessary complications to your workflow, go with a software solution that streamlines your processes and takes the heavy lifting out of time tracking and billing.

Here are three key convenience points to be on the lookout for:

Simple navigation

For private investigators who need to log hours and details quickly, it’s important to have a user-friendly interface.

The right tech tools will allow you to enter your data quickly and effortlessly, minimizing the time you spend on administrative tasks and ensuring that you can focus on your core responsibilities and boost your billable time.

Mobile accessibility

Private investigators spend lots of time in the field when they’re working on cases. And when they’re on the go, real-time access to software that allows busy professionals to input data directly from any device is critical.

With cloud-based access, you’ll eliminate the need for additional administrative tasks when you’re back in the office, ensuring that billable hours are never lost and that you’re able to bill your clients swiftly and get paid promptly.

Training and support

The best tech solutions in the world can be nothing more than a waste of money if you don’t know how to use them. When you start using new software, you want to hit the ground running.

Check whether your chosen service provides robust training resources like demos, walkthroughs, helpful guides and articles, and FAQs so that you never find yourself in the weeds when you’re implementing your new software solution.

How to make it easy to implement a new time and billing software

To ensure your transition to your new time and billing software goes smoothly, you need a plan of action. Follow these steps for a successful rollout.

Gradual implementation

A phased approach to rolling out your software helps you spot potential issues with employee training and implementation. Start with a pilot group of investigators or team members handling specific cases to identify potential challenges and fine-tune the system before full deployment.

A phased implementation strategy also comes with the added benefit of providing you with members of your team who can aid in facilitating the training process.

Comprehensive training

Invest in a thorough training plan for your entire team, from investigators to administrative staff. When your team is well-informed, they’ll be better equipped to navigate your new system efficiently, which will minimize disruptions during your transition period.

Meet with your team regularly during this process to make adjustments to your strategy as needed and ensure that your team is on the same page.

Tap into support resources during the transition

Collaborate with your service provider to ensure you’re getting the help you need during the transition. A great support team will help you address any technical issues that come up while you’re getting used to your new system.

Ready to boost billable time at your private investigation firm?

If you’re looking for a software solution that will help you increase your efficiency and boost your billable hours, choose the right provider for the job.

With user-friendly interfaces, cloud-based access, up-to-the-minute reporting, and real-time time tracking, TimeSolv has the tools you need to maximize billable hours and keep your private investigation firm going strong.

Ready to see what TimeSolv can do for you? Schedule a demo or start your free trial today!

How to Create a Paperless Document Management Workflow for Your Law Firm

To provide your clients with the best value possible, consider setting up paperless
document management workflows.

Don’t know where to start? Consider this your step-by-step map to creating a more efficient, eco-friendly law firm.

Download our free guide to create a paperless document management workflow for your law firm today!

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