Tip of the Week: Making Rate Changes
How to do rate changes in TimeSolv
2 min read

Tip of the Week: Making Rate Changes

2 min read

We all know there comes a time, for a variety of reasons, where you have to change the rates for time entries already made within TimeSolv.

So, you’ve gone ahead and changed the rate for your timekeeper or gone into matters and changed the rate there, but when you run your invoices, you still see the same old rate. What happened?

There’s one more critical step you need to take to complete the rate change for already existing time entries because we know lots of people don’t necessarily want to retroactively change the rates for past entries when updating their global or default rates.

So here’s what you do when you do need to update those past entries.

Go under Time -> Settings and then to the tab labeled Rate Changes. You can then search time entries by specific matters or all matters. You can also specify a date range (like all entries from the beginning of a month, for example).

When your list of entries appears, you’ll see the old rate and the new rate next to each other. Simply check the box for the entries you want to update or check the box in the top row to select all the time entries listed.

Once you’ve made your selection, you’ll see a grey button appear at the bottom of your list that says, “Update Rates In Selected Time Entries and Matter Assignments.” Click the button and your entries will now be updated and ready to be place in invoices.

Making rate changes screen shot

PLEASE NOTE: This will not affect entries that have already been moved to draft invoices or sent invoices. Any entries that are already in a draft invoice will have to be edited there or you may void that draft and start over again.

If you need more help with making rate changes, call us at 1.888.570.0475, email us at support@timesolv.com or Contact support.

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