TimeSolv Certified Consultant Program - Become TimeSolv Consultant

TimeSolv Certified Consultants

It’s a fact. Modern software is moving to the cloud. Web-based platforms are no longer the exception, they are fast becoming the rule. Law firms around the world know it’s a smart move to embrace this technology, but don’t have the time or experience to make it happen.
Our TimeSolv Certified Consultant Program (TSCC) allows experienced third-party partners the ability to provide just the right touch that some firms may need. Customers receive an ally who is an expert in TimeSolv and will help that important transition converting from legacy systems, such as Timeslips, to the modern ease and convenience of TimeSolv.


to be a TimeSolv Certified Consultant


a TimeSolv Certified Consultant

Become A TimeSolv Certified Consultant

There’s no cost to becoming certified. We offer our four 90 minute training sessions once a month.

TimeSolv Certified Consultant Benefits

  • Free to participate
  • Commission on new customers that you bring to TimeSolv
  • Grow your existing client base by offering TimeSolv as a billing and timekeeping solution
  • Behind the scenes look at our development road map
  • High-level access to our development and support teams
  • Direct revenue stream selling conversion packages from old systems to TimeSolv
  • Participate in TimeSolv webinars as presenter to grow your brand and business
  • Add value to new and existing clients by presenting business consulting packages

Used by businesses worldwide

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Since 1999 TimeSolv has been committed to providing the best web-based time and billing solutions for lawyers and other professionals.

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US: 800-715-1284 | INTL: +16516870090